80% of Filipinos are Catholic and because of that Christmas is a big deal here. From Christmas Carol starting in September to family get-togethers karaoke parties lots and lots of church. 

There's a lot to uncover about the Filipino Christmas traditions. So I'm gonna talk to several folks see what they do and then look at how there are similarities between what I used to do back home and then look at some of the differences. As well seems like Filipinos share some of the Western traditions such as Christmas trees Christmas cards in Santa, but Santa is a big deal. 

Santa Claus here is for the kids. All the kids here the rich kids and the middle-level kids and the poor kids. They believe in Santa Claus, but Santa Claus is more for the rich kids and middle-level kids.

Important imminent Christmas annual ninja gang Kill Hebrew observer Christmas Day celebration comes on in the perfect. This month, hey Brooke, it seems like I had to seek Santa out the first time. I can remember seeing him was in my hotel room about a month into my trip. They have some of their traditions as well these stars are called perils and can be found everywhere in the Philippines and sizes but what do they symbolize.

 It seems like there's also a whole lot of church leading up until the Christmas celebration our Philippine tradition during December starting December 16th we go to Mass early in the morning we call this method regalia Christmas Havana until December 24 and during 24 we celebrate Christmas Eve two o'clock in the evening and we light firecrackers and each electron and maybe some fruit salads also is it roasted peeps famous third card they put stuff inside I think they have so that makes it really oh let's take a peek and see what it looks like it's quite interesting. 

I think it's no you to be the judge. So here's a taste this is the skin the best part yeah like bacon a little bit the meat bad now back. So our gifts important in the Philippine Christmas tradition giving it doesn't matter. If you don't have to receive the gift as long as you give gifts to your cousins to your relatives. It's more important than receiving one. So what goes down on Christmas? Eve is people staying awake all night. Hope people are weight mostly up to one man was 2:00 a.m. The party goes from morning to midnight. So what is the symbol Gabi or me to miss my big dollar in Spanish or in English is midnight midnight midnight fire yeah midnight mass so it started way back to Spanish time 

S,o before they wake up earlier that's why it's early in the morning, but it's actually in preparation. I say no banner to the coming of Lord Jesus Christ. It's in preparation to survive and people normally do that because they believe that if they finish that nine days for nine early morning mass. Their wish will be granted. 

So it's like something for the new year. What's the significance? Basically, we celebrate and in tradition, some families get together this is the best time to get together. Like what do you have experience tonight so every family will be to share and it's like a reunion or there's one thing that everybody mentioned that I have a family the most important thing for us is our family. We get together brothers sisters parents relatives.

Also, Christmas means a family gathering for us because everyone in the family goes to the ancestral house in Provence and then they have the reunion. Like the people working abroad make sure that they come home for Christmas. I think our Filipino friends share a whole lot in common with the Western world. They do some things differently in karaoke church for about a month in a row. That's all but the thing is it's those differences that make the world so darn cool anyways I hope you've enjoyed this thank you so much and until next time.

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