This is the story telling of a man David Goggin's.
watch TV and eat pizza like everybody tours at 97 pounds working for Ecolab's spraying for cockroaches making $1,000 a month. I thought that was me at my 100 percent potential come to find out a few years later. I wasn't even near that 106pounds less graduating Navy still training.
We don't do all these other things looking back on that that was me trying hard. That's why people can understand what is in us we have no idea until we start trying hard and I mean trying hard where you're obsessed with hey this was new my rule is that wow this isn't always fun it's not always meant to be fun and that's when you know you're trying hard.
I knew in the back of my mind that I could pull off. This whatever one. I knew I could I knew that but. I was afraid of the work because I wasn't gifted with brains. I haven't gifted with god given talent So I knew to get to where. I had to go I knew the work was gonna be something that I didn't want to even attack.
So I was just put it off I didn't try hard enough because I didn't put forth every single bit of an ounce of pressure in my body into being better they ended up being a 300pound guy that made $1,000 a month and I was fine there that was okay.
We all have to be people we don't have to be people yeah I'm not saying you're crazy we have the easy voice which is that 20% telling yourself that you're I'm easy at ninety percent of my full potential maybe 100 percent at that 20 percent that's that voice that we all love that's that very comfortable voice that that's that mom holding you saying it's gonna be okay.
Doesn't care how good you only love you just love does not matter how messed up you are living that is the place you want to be one voice this other voice that we walk too much far away from the voice say hey man you are not doing so we have tried to get this voice out of our mind completely and we live over here in this land.
So what you have to do first is turn up this voice over here the voice saying things to you that aren't nice that it's in our head say you know what man dude you're not doing [SHIT] yeah I mean it's not putting yourself down people take this the wrong way in this new society.
I'm not saying to put yourself down I'm saying listen to the truth and the truth isn't in the 20% the truth is in this other part of your brain saying look man you're wasting a bunch of percentages here we have 80 more percent that we're not tapping into because in this other 80% is suffering pain failure failure failure self doubt darkness and then a whole bunch of light but to get to this light you got to go through all of this so I'll have us know that I can get over now, but over here man this is much better because I have to go through this journey that is not fun
this list from 20 to 100 percent this in between is not fun so we decide to live over here so everybody goes how do you do that you know exactly how to do that you know exactly it's not a magic trick there's nothing to talk about in that book that's a magic trick it's all back down to a very primitive mindset of we just have to do it's like breathing becomes normal like we didn't know that that that we're doing it that's how you have to live your life when that alarm clock goes off at 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning your brain will say no
you just say it's just what we do it's what we do now because to get to where you want to go the amount of pain involved am I saying physical I'm not saying you got to break yourself off the amount of mental pain of how many times you're gonna have to do something that you don't want to do to get to where you want to go it's gonna be it there's give me more times you do something that you don't want to do then you are gonna want.
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