A green city with Zero Waste products . A Place In The world.

Zero Waste Village

You will wonder if read this story about an incredible village in japan that's famous for not having one thing as waste. This the first green village in the world.
Welcome to Kami katsu in Japan this small town with zero garbage. 
A green city with Zero Waste products . A Place In The world.

So how did they do it? 

Well, it wasn't always this perfect this miracle first came in form of a problem. 20 years ago a strict new law forced the village to shut down its two small incinerators. Which used to burn their wastes, but since the few people in their village were getting old. They didn't even have the money to build new ones nor transport their garbage out of town. 

Kami katsu was left with no choice but to create less junk and reuse their stuff as much as they could three years later the zero waste declaration was born and the people oh they were confused
All alright, and who wouldn't be confused. 

When there are officially 45 categories for sorting out trash food leftovers became fertilizer glass bottles are salted by color steel cans and aluminum cans are separated bottle caps are gathered in one place plastic containers food wrappers and shopping bags get washed at home and newspapers cartons and papers are stacked and neat bundles nothing and I say absolutely nothing gets thrown away and that ladies
and gentlemen was just stepped one. 

The village has no garbage collectors so residents still have to take their organized trash to a local center. Where volunteers further ensure their items go into the right bins there's also a kuru shop where locals can drop off reusable items and bring them home. 

Repurposed handicrafts for free soon after all the ridiculous rules
became their lifestyle. I would appreciate it if you joined the COUNTLESS WORLD and subscribed for more powerful information.

Back to the story on a typical day household moms would hang their milk
cartons dry and store owners would just reuse their cartons for new customers fast forward to this day Kami katsu reuses eighty percent of its waste every year and earns one million yen just from recycling night farm think about this for a second Kami katsu is found in Japan the world's second-largest producer of plastic waste. Just behind the united states yet that didn't stop them from embracing a
more responsible lifestyle and throwing away a practice they knew would kill them in the long run
that is very impressive and so 

I dream of a day when all cities can become just like kami katsu but that will happen only when
we decide not to waste our trends.

Thank you.

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