When I was small child I were taught there is one planet for the human race it's called planet Earth but now that I am older I realised that is a lie there are two planets not one planet for the rich and another for the poor and Covid-19 may be a lot more dangerous in one among these planets this is income inequality and it's a big deal right now for the next jiffy.
I would like to require you on a journey around the world to show you just how different those two planets are this journey starts in Brazil here millions of people live in a favela it's a slum built on mountains where the people are poor electricity goes out over time and living conditions are very basic and this slum is literally right next to the rich neighbourhood with tennis courts pools and loss of space this is income inequality in one sad image yes we are all in this together but COVID19 is much more dangerous in these packed houses
In India I went to Mumbai and I checked into the Four Seasons luxury hotel on a petite because I wanted to treat myself for one fancy night. Only to open the window and see this just loves of Mumbai the Four Seasons was built ashore that want to be slums and in those slums COVID 19 spreads much much faster than it does in a five-star hotel this is income inequality that can literally kill you.
In South Africa I saw the worst inequality of my life between the blacks and the whites it's where villas are built right next to swans and inside those slums millions of black people live some of them got public bathrooms only five years ago.
These slums are so cramped that it's almost impossible to social distance and stay safe by now it's very obvious we have one planet for the rich and another planet for the poor but the crazy thing is from the inside these two planets are actually very similar one day.
I went to spend the night in one of the slums in South Africa even when people warned me not to do it do that because they're going to rob you mean these people are their house today and there I met the most generous humans despite not having much they opened their homes to me and their heart is such a lot and that is the purpose we may live in different planets but we really aren't the same.
In Kenya I decided to get to half haircuts half a haircut in the rich area and another half within the poor area the value was $10 here. $1 here and the outcome was the similar
In India Where I bought a shirt from the rich area and another shirt from the poor area $60 vs. $4 I cut them in half
and sued them together and the result was the same in our little planets we actually want similar things but our lives are not the same especially in a pandemic.
From India to Brazil to the United States to South Africa to Kenya COVID-19 is a lot more dangerous in Planet poor it's much harder when you don't have public bathrooms it's much harder when you live in cramped areas. It's much harder when you don't have access to a hospital this is not supposed to make you hate the rich I have no problem with rich people good for you.
I have a problem with extreme poverty why are we ignoring it why is this not on everyone's newsfeed especially right now I don't know how to fix income inequality but I do know if we want to beat COVID-19 then we need one planet instead of two right now and that should be Planet Earth see you next time.
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