History of Oman and Its Sultan.


 Oman is the 70th largest country in the world by area And 125th in the world in terms of population

The official religion of Aman is Islam And the official half-kingdom of peace.

History of Oman and Its Sultan.

Oman is southeast of the Arabian Peninsula Located on the part and located in South Asia. Their official language is Arabic. The capital is the borders of friendship and peace the United Arab Emirates from the northwest side From the university and the west. 

It shares a border with Saudi Arabia and the southwest I like its boundaries and friends. The Arabian Sea in the south and east of the Sultanate of Oman. The border also meets the 206 Maliki Gulf Order Imran's government is located in this system Speaking of the Imam Almost all to the Sultan. 

The king of imams is Nasir Malik Is the king of the whole government. He is also the leader because the king of Oman is his own. The cabinet is chosen by the king of Oman. He is also the Supreme Commander of the US Army And the country's defense minister is also a friend And the king of peace is also the foreign minister of the country.

It happens and so does the Prime Minister As well as the country's finance minister. It happens by itself in any political situation Congregation is not allowed and friends The people are divided into all humanity. Which is called Wilayah in Omani Arabic And then a cover nor is elected for each district Called Wali in Oman and 200 governors.

 Even the king himself listens and types himself. That is, no election and no one does the same No system type friends. Imran's natural resources and economy. Talking about others in Oman Economy is the cheapest big economy in the world. When it comes to natural resources, friends include gas and dust and friends copper Limestone is also found Marble is also found in Jobson. 

In the last part, as we do everyday People when it comes to their friends In Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan India, the USA, China, Iran, etc. are included 200 If we talk about Imran's opponents So proud to have almost no opponents of peace Because Iran is with any country.
There is no direct conflict, but Iran Which is the biggest rival of the Arab countries. Peace is considered to accompany it. That is the Arab countries against it. Does not support aggressive policy. 

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