How behaviour affects human's mindset?


See, there's a story of a serious league ballplayer who's speaking to inmates in prison.
One of the inmates asks him,
"How did you become a professional ballplayer sir?" to which he says, 
How behaviour affects human's mindset?

"You know, I think it began when I was a boy. I will play catch with my dad and he would always say
'he said. "

You keep throwing the ball like this son and you will finish it up within the major leagues at some point,'
'You keep swinging a bat like that son and you will find yourself within the major leagues at some point,' and here I'm, A professional ballplayer."

Our room has become very quiet and the inmate who asked the question, said, "You know,
the same thing happened to me. When I was a Toddler my father told me. that I used to be good for nothing which at some point, I would end up in prison and here I am."Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me, WRONG!

See, words can smash you deeper and faster, longer than any rod known to man.
I still haven't forgotten what they told me as a kid (the) teasing the insecurities that it created. Have you?


Consider the story of a little girl. She's within the grocery together with her mother and she or he drops a bottle of milk onto the groundbreaking it.

The mother says "You stupid child. Why did you do that?"


Consider the story of another female child who's within the grocery together with her mother.

She drops the bottle of milk onto rock bottom breaking it and this mother says "That
was a very stupid thing you did"

Which child does one think will get older to possess a healthier self-image and more self-confidence?
The one who was - who was called basted or the one whose action was called nonsense?
See, it is important to be mindful of the words that we use to our - our friends, our families, our loved ones, and strangers
because sticks and stones CAN break our bones
but words can break our hearts. And if we're not careful,
It can shatter our dreams. 

Make each breath count. Peace.

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