Justice does not exists for all people. Why?

Are you getting justice? 

I'm going to slap you and you will feel pain. But the first thing you will do is slap me back because you want to get revenge.
Justice does not exists for all the people, why?

 This story about a man in Israel. You want what is fair you want what is just you want justice I grew up in a place where justice is very important I grew up in Israel and Palestine and around me many people are seeking justice justice for the murder justice for the kidnap justice for the stolen and no one would dress me not them not us until justice is achieved just like Hollywood taught us justice must always be served at the end of the moon see. I don't really believe in Hollywood and I don't really believe in justice. 

Because I have come to learn that forgiveness is a lot more powerful than justice and forgiveness I learned from a woman that's very very far away from me called Ernestine Hepburn Athena Homelike Bhagwan Ernestine lives in Rwanda and she is the most forgiving person. 

I have ever met she was a victim of the Rwandan genocide a soldier attacked her with a machete hand tied her and threw her into a river to diet hen. He killed her entire family and that soldier is this person this is a sad story that makes anyone angry and if I were early Seen I would come back find that soldier and I would kill him. 

I would try to get revenge for myself and for my family I would try to get justice but you know that's not what she did instead of taking justice she gave forgiveness to the soldier twenty-five years later they have become friends and she's not the only one in her country Rwanda 1 million people were killed.

 When the genocide ended the country decided to forgive all the killers because according to their president sorry won't bring back any lives only forgiveness can heal this nation survivors they said must forgive because they're the only ones with something to give and that story really moved me 25 years later Rwanda healed itself. 

It is now one of Africa's most successful nations it is clean it is safe it is thriving at the end of the day each one of us is faced with injustice and each one of us wants to slap backbit one thing my travels taught me is that justice doesn't exist in the real-world so instead of seeking justice let us give forgiveness because in reality's the only way forward see you next time

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