What is Democracy? Why it is not working properly

What is Democracy ? why it is not working properly.

Guys I think this blog will make some people angry really what is it well it's about democracy is good thing.

What is Democracy? Why it is not working properly

well, that's exactly the problem. let's talk about democracy. When I was a kid. I was taught that democracy is the best. when you give one vote to one human and you let them vote in elections you get a good government, but now that I'm older, I realized that I am wrong the average voter doesn't know how to vote.

That's why democracy doesn't work. Take this example let's assume you're going on a plane but before you fly you and the passengers must democratically elect a captain so you get two candidates the first one says if you let me fly the plane. 

I will abide by international laws of aviation and fly at 30,000 feet but the second one says if you let me fly the plane you can sit in business class and today's world the average person, who votes based on emotions and lack of information. So naturally, they will vote for the person that promised in a business class democracy will elect a terrible. A person who's never flown a plane and before you don't we Oh crash.

I am convinced that running a government is just like flying a plane it's hard and it takes experience years and years of experience tariffs nuclear weapons geo politics health care borders these problems need real professionals it takes ten years to be able to fly a plane but in our government, anyone can vote and anyone can run democracy changes government every number of years but the real problems need 20 years to fix.

Democracy is a good idea but is it the best idea to take China and India for example China with its central government lifted 300 million people out of poverty. While India with its democracy has 300 million people in poverty. I don't like China but for some reason, they are succeeding don't get me wrong dictatorship is not the answer it is never the answer but there might be alternatives to democracy that are worth exploring technocracy pesto pars are just two examples.

 But for now, the problem is real in the world's biggest democracies politicians' fake news lies fears, and free money to get attention and the democratic system allows voters to believe them in the million.


We are boring for people who pro missed us a business class and they don't even know how to fly as someone once famously said the best case against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter let's fix democracy before we all crash see you next time see what happen to the world 

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