Kids born with superpower

Kids born with superpower

Sometime people thinks How can I get superpowers like Superman? But sometimes it is from the birth of child as well.

Kids may be small but they are more powerful than you think in fact, kids have superpowers that would astonish most adults. We found some pretty interesting kid and baby facts that had us cheering for thesesuperhumans. 

Here are ten superpowers all kids are born with toddler telepathy. 

Number 10.

Did you know toddlers can read minds?
They can tell what you're feeling researchers at the University of Washington were stunned. When they discovered that 18-month-olds engage in, what they call emotional eavesdropping. They say these little mind readers listen and watch emotional reactions directed by one adult to another and then use that emotional information to shape their own behavior. They concluded that this may be a messenger to reading other people's minds by understanding their emotional and psychological states.

The psychology professor involved in the study was fascinated with the house of the toddlers. The emotional dynamics of the interactions around them. 

She said they don't even need to try how the behavior of their own and to get rewarded or punished. They can watch what someone else does and learn from what happens to the kids are basically like lightning rods for emotions. They pick up everything around them and use it to their advantage. It's how they learn about the world around them and can be used as a tool for survival for instance if a child is afraid of snakes her baby will see that fear and know to stay away from snakes pretty cool supervision. 


Number 09

If we were to show you a picture of two snails side-by-side. Would you be able to tell them apart well babies can we all. 

When we were six months old according to a new study, babies have got google beat with their face recognition skills researchers showed babies pictures of two similar-looking monkeys and they were able to distinguish the facial features in the individual. Which adults could not. This also applies to human faces babies have an amazing ability to remember every feature of a face after seeing it only once. 

We all lose this superpower over time apparently when your brain starts putting labels on things. It seems like, it limits our ability to distinguish differences. Since the Language Center in the Bay, the brain is developing. They can see and process even the slightest details in faces and objects take a look at these three snail pictures. Which of the two are similar. Most of us would guess that A and B are the same right but babies correctly perceive B and A. As similar even though the glossy shine from the light is different. Trippi baby dog whisperers move over Cesar Millan because babies are the new dog whispers check this out babies can decipher the different meanings of dogs barks.

Whoa scientists say that infants can match the sounds of an angry snarl and a friendly Yap to pictures of a dog displaying threatening and welcoming body language in and the experiment, they showed babies two different pictures of the same canine.

One wasn't an aggressive stance and another was in a friendly stance then the researchers played the clips of friendly and aggressive dog barks. Fhe babies always stared at the appropriate picture to match with the bark tone this probably comes from our caveman days. When kids had to detect whether or not. That saber-toothed tiger was going to have them for lunch babies can also detect whether someone is speaking in their native tongue or not.

By watching videos without any sound they can tell just by watching the movement of people's faces if they are speaking a different language because of this the incredible ability they can effortlessly learn any of the world's languages. Can you do that? You could when you were six months old. Son't feel too bad about it you can still be any baby in a foot race,

 Internal furnaces did you know that babies can't shiver its physically impossible so how does a tiny human who can't shiver? can cover herself up and can't seek shelter from colder temperatures stay warm the answer is something called brown fat it's like an internal heating blanket that burns super hot inside the body to keep the baby warm this fat is also present in hibernating animals who need to stay warm during the long winter snooze in newborn babies brown fat makes up about5% of their bodies it's usually found around the neck and shoulder scientists are freaking out about this because they think this information could be used to fight obesity in adults as we get older our brown fat away and we end up with its lazy cousin. 

white fat just lounges like a couch potato in your body and doesn't help you to stay as warm as the
healthier fats scientists are trying to find a way to activate the growth of this super baby fat in adults so they can lose weight and stay healthy as well as snuggly warm so to all you young folks watching don't be so quick to lose that baby fat superhuman strength have you have ever seen a baby wrap its tiny hand
around its mom's fingers, this reflex is called the palmar grasp reflex and babies can do it in the womb here's what's crazy about this reflex it is strong enough to hold a baby's entire body weight this is one of the first things they checked when a baby is born to be sure she is healthy and strong anyone who has held a baby and had the unfortunate experience of having them grab your hair and knows the power of those tiny hands at around four or five months babies start to lose this reflex and start being able to voluntarily pick items up with their hands this combined with their super perception supervision and hyper hearing abilities makes for at the phenomenon of super babies.

We can't wait for the movie studios to pick up on this one can you say infants Avengers baby justice Lee babies just might be able to give Hulk a run for his money in strength and temper tantrums super healing powers here's a pretty cool discovery we found babies actually have the ability to heal their mothers from inside the womb according to NPR Germany scientist discovered that fetal cells circulate throughout the mother's body for years after pregnancy they go around healing the mother and making sure she was strong so she can raise the little one after he is born in scars left by c-sections scientists found fetal cells that make collagen to help the scar heal so even after the baby is born the mom can benefit from the leftover fetal cells in the mom's body these supercells are pretty amazing they have been linked to a decreased risk in rheumatoid arthritis and breast cancer this part is going to blow your mind they discovered that if a mother suffers from organ damage, the fetus can send stem cells to help her regenerate the organ tissue Nature has allowed unborn babies to save their mothers live this superpower cells they share with their mom can graft into tissues including bone marrow which could possibly provide a lifetime supply of super baby cells to help Momreplace damaged ones it makes sense that babies would be able to make sure their mother is around and healthy enough to care for them a super taste with all these other super abilities you probably won't surprised to learn that babies have an incredible sense of taste this superpower is because they have three times the number of tastebuds as adults do these taste buds cover their tongues tonsils palates and cheeks this could be the reason babies and toddlers are such picky eaters but mothers could change that by eating a wide variety of foods during pregnancy studies have shown that the taste of
whatever foods the mother eats while pregnant transfer to the amniotic fluid which the baby drinks mothers who drank carrot juice every day during pregnancy for example, had kids who preferred carrots after they were born babies and kids from all backgrounds tend to prefer sweet foods this is because they need aa lot of extra energy from sugars to growall babies seem to hate vegetable stemsbecause of their bitterness that bittertaste has the intensity of poison intheir mouthsno wonder babies can be so dramatic whenthey don't want to eat food they don'tlike they really might believe thoseBrussels sprouts are poisonsuperintelligence babies brains grow ata phenomenal rate in the first threemonths of a child's life her brain growsby 64 percent it goes from being aboutone-third the size of an adult brain tohalf the size of an adult brain inninety days inside that massive babybrain they have the same number ofneurons as an adult about 86 billion inthat time of rapid mine growth they formthe connections between these neuronsare called synapses and they form everytime the baby learned something new bythe time they turn into brainy toddlersthey have formed 1,000 trillion synapsesas they get older the brain weeds out
the unnecessary connection in a process called synaptic pruning the cerebellum which is part of the brain that is responsible for motor development by grabbing objects and crawling is the fastest-growing region of the brain in contrast to the hippocampus which helps form memories grow at the slowest rate that explains why none of us remember being babies it's probably for the best toddler world domination would be so messy super sense of justice we've all probably heard kids shout the popular phrase no fair right that common protest stems from the fact that babies seem to have an innate ability to sense fairness

and justice at a very early age on the study showed that 15-month-olds notice unequal distributions of food and drink researchers believe that this sense of fairness is connected to their own willingness to share how did they figure this out well they had the children watch movies of someone distributing food either equally or unequally most of the toddlers spent more time focusing on the unequal outcome led the experts to believe that the toddlers were surprised that it violated their basic sense of fairness they also prefer those who they find to have higher morals in a study at Yale University babies was shown a puppet show and then asked if they preferred the nice puppet or the mean puppet even though the puppets

looked identical the babies reached for the nice puppet and avoided the mean one researchers concluded that this showed a baby's ability to evaluate the difference between good and bad just like Superman limb regeneration we couldn't believe this one but it's true did you know that if a baby loses a fingertip she has the ability to grow anew one in its place amazing right according to scientists children can sometimes regrow the tip of an amputated finger as long as there's a bit of a nail leftover and the wound isn't stitched apparently, there's a population of stemcells lying beneath the base of the nail that can help your body regrow a partially amputated digit but only if there is enough of the super stem cells left and the tissue found under the nail this process is common with amphibians but when we are young we also have this
super ability and that's not all kids also have super bone healing capabilities when you're young your
bones are generating faster than they can be replaced so in a way kids bones are always behaving as if they are healing since their bones are already engaged in a supercharged rate of growth bones healing about half the time it takes for adults Wow and that's it for ten superpowers all kids are born with thanks for watching the things see you next time.

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